Tuesday, 25 June 2013

A year in Pre-School, done and dusted!

Well, that's it. A year as a Pre-School teacher. Amazing.
I have to say, this year has been magic. I feel incredibly blessed.
  • I have a job
  • I have a job in childcare, which is what I studied!
  • I work in a wonderful pre-school, where everything that is good about the early years is celebrated on a daily basis
  • I work with a brilliant team of staff, who love their jobs
  • I got to know an amazing group of children, who I'm going to miss very much!

It makes me happy to see the children completely ready for Big School. I'm proud that I contributed to that in some ways, and it makes me think "Yep, I was meant to be a pre-school teacher!"
I'm so proud of the children and their accomplishments (from being able to ask "Can I play too?" to identifying Africa on the map!).
I really believe that this experience of education will give them a lifelong love of learning. You can already see it in their faces when you're showing them a worm wriggling through a wormery, or when you read a book about penguins in Antarctica and they have 112 questions!
Even if they have little set-backs in their education in the future (maybe they'll find a particular subject challenging), they'll always have this year- the best possible introduction to education, in a fun and playful environment, working with their interests at their own pace.

And now, while I go on my holidays (Wow what a busy year, and I am tired!), I'll still be looking at new children's books in the corner of my eye, and wondering how I could incorporate that egg box into an arts and crafts project! I'm so excited for next year!

To all the Moms and Dads reading, I wish your children all the best in their future! Please pop in some time and let me know how they're getting on!
No time to get emotional now, tomorrow is our big Party, with jelly and ice-cream and games and songs!

I love my job.